Software Development Company INFONAUTICS GmbH Switzerland - Infonautics GmbH Switzerland

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The Software Company INFONAUTICS GmbH Switzerland

The Swiss software company INFONAUTICS GmbH
Switzerland was founded 1995. Based on many years of experience in software development on many different operating systems the company is able to realize innovative and reliable software solutions for small and mid caps. INFONAUTICS GmbH Switzerland realizes user-friendly and sophisticated database and communication solutions which can be optimally integrated into business processes.

The guiding principle of the company reads accordingly:
Software Solutions - Clever. Easy. Reliable.

Likewise, various software tools are available directly out-of-the-box:

Survey Software InfoWiz®
Survey - Analysis - Benchmarking

Software Tools for Windows
Practical software solutions for special tasks

Directory List & Print Pro

(Free & Pro)
Create and print directory listings easily

Live File Backup
Continuous data protection in the background

Copy Files With Dates

Copy files and keep
original creation date

File Date Corrector
Correct the file date according
to embedded meta-information

Name Gender Processor
Separate name parts and
determine the gender

Quick Merge Excel/Word

Automatically apply correctly
formatted number formats

Decision Making Helper

Always make the right decisions
in professional and private life

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